Schnauzer FAQ

Please be advised that Schnauzers are very active dogs and require lots of exercise. If you leave them alone without a way to get their energy out you will find your home becomes their playground.

Will a Schnauzer fit in with our other pets (yes) as long as the are raised with them, FYI they love to chase other animals if you have any rat like animals they will want to eat them.

How do they do with cats our dogs love playing with Tigger our cat they run jump and your guess it chase him around.

If you are wanting a lazy couch potato pet a Schnauzer may not be for you. 

This breed is very willing to please they seem to want good praise all of the time and don't like to disappoint.

Potty training is easy, these two dogs where the easiest we have ever raised.

They love to run, if you like out doors, they will be right by your side on any trail, mud, rain, creek, no problem.

Our dogs love kids and play with anyone who picks up their toys.

Schnauzers love to bark, they will let you know when someone is out side or you are going to slow on their run. Kaiser barks at us when we go to slow on our bikes. He has ran up to 21 MPH.